March – Daffodils

Last year, when I was making routine trips out to a house that we didn’t even own yet, trying to figure out inspections and measuring for proposed additions, I was delighted to find daffodils blooming randomly throughout the front yard.  These were not ordinary daffodils, but huge, beautiful, double daffodils.

We had made a sizable deposit on the house and had paid for multiple inspections by the time the daffodils bloomed, so I felt somewhat entitled.  I cut a big vase full and took them to my office.  It was meant to be encouragement – or enticement to keep me focused on the nitty-gritty of actually getting this house.  I guess it worked.

This year, we are here to enjoy them.  We’ve beaten back brush, vanquished vines and raked away remnants of years of neglect to uncover even more daffodils.  They have pushed up through the remnants of the snow, developed bulging buds and are opening just in time for Easter.

Our girls were getting spring fever so we finally let them out of the coop so they could smell the flowers.  Letting them out was easy, getting them back in took a little longer.

With clusters of daffodils scattered everywhere, they’ll make the perfect spot to hide Easter eggs for Arianna to find.  Now I just have to figure out how to dye brown eggs.

Happy Easter!


The buds are just beginning
All smiles when they opened, Arianna had fun picking the daffodils.

A pretty backdrop for the daffodils.

A pretty backdrop for our Daffodils.
Even the girls are enjoying the Daffodils.
Getting them back toward their coop was another project.
What a beautiful bouquet.
Happy Easter!

5 thoughts on “March – Daffodils

  1. Just opened your blog – John & I so look forward to each new chapter of your adventure! It is so nice to be able to eat on our back patio again, with this warm weather! Love seeing flowers again! We have to schedule a dinner soon – give me some dates/availability- I’m sure your time is much more limited than mine. Happy Easter to you, Chris & all your family!

    Sent from my iPhone



  2. Hoffen, eure Hühner konnten die Ostereier selber legen, aber nicht verlegen, oder musstet ihr sie suchen? Wir wünschen euch ganz schöne Ostertage und geniesst den Frühling! Liebe Grüsse, Thomas & Denise


  3. Happy Easter Jeanne and Chris!! I agree with one of your followers, I love reading your blog updates. Hope you had a great day today!!


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