September — No Work on Labor Day

That’s funny.  There’s always work on the farm, especially on Labor Day — a day off from work… so we can work!

The calendar changed to September and so did the weather.  It’s cool (actually chilly!), and the garden seems to be winding down.  There are still some tomatoes and peppers, and we’re waiting for that fall crop of salsify, but everything else is DONE!  Even the corn.  We didn’t exactly get a bumper crop.  We had maybe two dinners with our own corn.  I wouldn’t exactly call it corn on the cob.  It was more like corn on coblettes.  They were short, stubby cobs with a kind of starchy, rather than sweet tasting corn.  It wasn’t the best thing to come out of the garden.  But all was not lost.  The best harvest from the corn was yet to come!  The corn stalks!

Now, we’re ready for fall.

The corn wasn’t much of a meal.
But the corn stalks look pretty for our fall decorations. Even our “pet” crow thinks so.
Can summer really be over already?


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