September – A new herb garden

I can never have enough garden space.  And, we had a problem hillside that I just couldn’t  tame.  A new garden seemed like the perfect solution; but nothing is ever easy.  We planned a retaining wall made of landscape ties, some landscape fabric to suppress the weeds and a load of top soil to create a herb garden right outside the back door.  After three trips to Home Depot for extra supplies, and a full weekend of work, it finally came together.  It looks pretty good – don’t you think?!


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A truck load of landscape timbers – yes, the truck does come in handy.
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A mess of a hillside and it’s always full of weeds.
It took some careful planning.
Slowly taking shape.
Covered in landscape fabric and filled with some decent dirt.
And its starting to look pretty good — better than what we started with!
It filled in nicely and gave us lots of fresh herbs this summer. Now I wonder which ones will winter over.

8 thoughts on “September – A new herb garden

  1. Nice garden ! Hey I saw the hummingbird feeder ,I have honey bees all over my feeder ! I put out a small saucer with nectar they emptied it in no time, so I Gave them (2) more. Hope that is not harmful if it is call me and I will stop !

    Cousin Bruce

    Sent from Surface


    • Hi Cousin Bruce — It’s good to feed the bees, especially this time of year. Not sure what’s in your nectar – probably just sugar water? I wouldn’t give them anything with chemicals in it, but 1:1 sugar water — they will gobble it up! Keep up the good work!


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